Facebook Business Page

Creating a Facebook page for your Business is the easy part!

But first you will want to know if your customers are actually on Facebook and have a plan on how you are going to get them to your page and eventually become customers. Yes, I know, everyone has told you that Social Media isn’t a sales tool and that it is just a place to build awareness, right? Well those are probably the people that aren’t getting anything out of their Facebook marketing.

Here’s the real scoop. If you are not producing customers for your business you are not marketing…you are simply wasting your time. Here are a few tips to build a business page in Facebook and actually market your business the right way.

  1. Your Customers must be on Facebook
    All to often businesses will start a Facebook Business Page because everyone told them they should. The only reason to start a Facebook Business Page is because your potential customers are on Facebook. That is it!
  2. Create a Plan to Market Your Business on Facebook
    Once you know your potential customers are on Facebook you will want to have a plan of what you are going to be doing. Just because you put up a business page in Facebook, doesn’t mean anyone is going to come to it, “Like” it, or interact with it. You have to market your page like you would your website. In your plan will cover, how often you will be posting, how you will get people to your page, and how you will eventually convert them into a customer.
  3. Commit the time and resources
    Once you have your plan, you will quickly find out that going on Facebook can be a huge time waster, but the payoff can be massive. Learn to set a certain amount of time to posting and interacting with your fans. This will be a long term project, just like organic search engine optimization it take time to see the benefits from it. Here is where so many people just abandon their Facebook Business Page after a few months, but not you!
  4.  Measure your progress
    In order to measure your Facebook Marketing efforts you will need to see your fan base grow, the number of “like”, shares and comment continue to grow ( this will keep your Facebook Edgerank up), your email subscribers increase and traffic to your website from Facebook specifically should be on the rise.


Ultimately, if you are posting valuable content, interacting with your Facebook Fans and have a plan to move them from fans to customers you have a winning marketing platform. Facebook Pages for Business is one of the best ways to find and stay connected with your potential customers, but be sure that your potential customers are there firsts.

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